Week in Review 5/3/2024

Ashley French
3 min readMay 3, 2024
Photo by Jazmin Quaynor on Unsplash

I spent the week cleaning the house after a busy weekend adventuring. I finished three ( ! ) books this week.


Last weekend, we went down to my mom’s house to celebrate my birthday with her. My birthday was on Wednesday so we couldn’t go down then. We went canoeing on Saturday and saw tons of turtles and even saw a heron and a bird that I didn’t recognize with her babies. They were super cute. Our dog is usually really good in canoes but he wasn’t this trip. I think he was upset that I was in the kayak and not in the boat with him. The next day, husband and I went to Barnes & Noble and a new REI store and then to Bath & Body works to use my free coupon. I was super upset that B&N didn’t have the book I was looking for. So far, no luck in finding my book anywhere.

Movies & Entertainment

No movies this week, haven’t been interested in watching tv lately. I have been watching some reality commentary on YouTube and some videos about Titanic. Those are always interesting (to me anyway.)


I surprisingly finished 3 books this week. I finished Radium Girls by Kate Moore right after I published my April in Books post (of course.) I read most of this last year but didn’t finish it so my mom could read it. I found it on Audible in the Plus catalog so I went…

