My Week in Review 6/14/2024

Ashley French
2 min readJun 14, 2024
Photo by Jazmin Quaynor on Unsplash

I (re) watched one movie, I got lost in an old favorite computer game, I read some.


I’ve been consumed with work and preparing for our trip. Everything has become a blur right now. We’re hoping to get access (aka a driveway of some sort) to our property in a couple weeks. We’ve had the property for over 4 years and now we’re finally doing something with it, I hope.

I’ve been watching a new YouTuber called Alyssa Grenfall about growing up in the Mormon church. She’s no longer a Mormon and it was interesting to see the inner workings of such a secretive church. The more I learn the more weird they become to me. And some aspects seem so similar to Scientology that it’s scary, even when they were founded 100 years give or take apart.

Movies & Games

I watched Everest last weekend. It’s one of my favorite movies. I tend to watch movies over again because it’s comforting to know what happens.

I played The Sims 3 for a couple of hours this week. I used to play obsessively and it was nice to visit again. I played the PlayStation for a while but not as much this week.


I finished left for Dead by Beck Weathers. He climbed Mt. Everest during the 1996 season when so many people died during a storm. He…

