My Week in Review 5/12/2024

Ashley French
2 min readMay 11, 2024
Photo by Jazmin Quaynor on Unsplash

I didn’t write this post yesterday as it was my anniversary. We had a good day, played our new PlayStation, went out to eat, had dinner, and went for a walk. I read a couple of books this week. No movies this week.


Yesterday was my anniversary. We’ve been married for four years now. We bought ourselves a PS5 and were playing it last night. We went out to dinner then walked Pablo and played some tennis, or our version of it. We don’t know how to play, really. We just enjoy hitting the balls back and forth. We also saw a baby groundhog family. They were so cute. Mom and dad went in the long grass and the babies followed then one peaked his head out one last time to look at us. I wanted to give him a cuddle.


I read two books: Titanic Survivor by Violet Jessop and From Here to Eternity by Caitlin Doughty. I enjoy both of them but they weren’t as exciting as I thought they’d be. Violet Jessop survived both the Titanic And Britannic disasters but she only dedicates a short chapter to each of them. I was expecting more. I enjoyed From Here to Eternity but some of the death customs were too much especially since I was eating whenever I listened to it, or at least it felt like it.

I’m currently listening to Andy Serkis read the Fellowship of the Ring. I like the books but the beginning of the book is always a drag for me. Andy Serkis is a great narrator though, he played Gollum in the movies. Plus he was a theater actor at one time so he knows how to make a strong voice.

Up Next

We’re going to the zoo for family day. I’m looking forward to seeing the animals, especially the elephants. I love baby Frankie.

I hope to find a book I want to read soon. Maybe a review of the PlayStation next week.

